Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Flash Back Friday-Camping The Oregon Coast

Wow how time flies....

This doesn't seem like it could possibly be almost four years ago, while at the same time it feels like it was in another lifetime.

We ate steaks cooked on the grill and drank Pyramid apricot ale. I have so many memories from this night.

I hope this group of four will one day be able to have another magical night in the woods.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday Night In Lambertville, NJ & New Hope, PA

Eggnog martinis, dark warm bars, delicious food, a fire-place suite, freshly brewed beer, a walk from Lambertville, NJ, to New Hope, PA and the first cold night of the winter. Oh yeah, and friendship, laughter, long talks, hot apple cider with whiskey, and some antiquing. Oh what a night ;)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Flash Back Friday-Jackson Hole, Wyoming

ignore the cheesy santa/elf hats....or don't ;)

Three years ago, we were lucky enough to able to go out to Jackson Hole for a few days right around Christmas time. When my husband and I drove cross-country a year earlier, we ended up with very long list of places we wanted to return to, but a very specific list of "places to visit during Christmas."

Now if you've ever been to Jackson Hole, you know of it's every day magic. The grandeur of the Tetons, the seemingly never ending wide open space, the sage brush scented's one of the most beautiful places on earth.

But during Christmas, the magic is magnified.

We had gone for a long wander through the still woods, and sat on the banks of the Snake River; cold, but so happy. 

This photo was taken after we returned to our cabin while the snow softly fell apon us. No wind, just soft, peaceful snow.

Then I believe we walked to the Brew Pub to grab a Snake River Pale Ale...:)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Thanksgiving Photo Shoot

Last week on Thanksgiving we shot a bunch of new items (check them out!) at the beautiful Allaire State Park. We worked hard, and then went home and stuffed our faces! Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Yesterday's Photo Shoot-Behind The Scenes

Sunday finally came, and we got straight to work on our modeling/photographing duties. We had the opportunity to shoot at this amazing house (which my husband built!) that is overlooking the Barnegat It was a beautiful day, and there were so many more great photo locations then we originally thought.

We got 30 new items photographed!!! And if father sun didn't decide to set so early now that winter is on it's way, we would have kept going. We actually had to take off our last looks after going outside to realize we we just didn't have enough light left.

But...because we are so dedicated and are having so much fun with this, we are planning to wake up early on Thanksgiving morning and shoot for another two hours at yet another beautiful location. Except this one isn't so private ;) So wish us luck!

Hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who Is Hazel Hall?

As you can see, the name of our shop is Hazel Hall Vintage. I have to say that alone, this name would be great...but what makes it even better, is that like every item in our shop, there is memory behind it...

The name Hazel Hall Vintage is a reminder of my (Amanda's) time spent in Portland, Oregon. Directly across the street from where I lived, there exists a tiny park (maybe 20x20) named for Hazel Hall, the poet often referred to as the “Emily Dickinson of Oregon”. I walked through the park daily to get to my house, and in passing, read her poems engraved on the granite slabs on display. She was a writer, a seamstress, and subsequently an inspiration.  

Around this same time, as I walked back and forth through that tiny park, day by day, I began my love affair with vintage; furnishing my apartment with beautiful second hand pieces and scouring thrift stores for the beautiful old treasures that people throw away.

As my vintage collection grew, my tiny apartment about to burst at the seams, I decided that I would open up an Etsy shop. That way, I could continue on my daily vintage hunt which I enjoyed so much, but I would also have a little room to stretch my legs....

When it came time to choose a name for my shop, my mind directly went to the name Hazel Hall....

The name of the tiny park I would walk through each day, a complete representation of my time spent in Portland. 

And so, now that I have moved my life back to the east coast, this shop and it's namesake are a constant reminder of our shop's roots, and of the memories of a beautiful time in my life. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Photo Shoot Prep--Flash Back Friday

Holy cow!!

We have some amazing-ness coming your way in the next few days.

We have been collecting, styling, and organizing our newest vintage finds for a massive photo shoot this coming Sunday (two days!!)

Honestly, I don't think either of us has gone to sleep these past few nights without dreaming about our beautiful finds, styling, hair styles, makeup, modeling, photo location, scheduling....whew! We're exhausted, but so so anxious to get this show on the road.

As I said earlier, we have many great changes coming to Hazel Hall...and this is just the beginning.

And now, here is our first addition of Flash Back Friday here on the Hazel Hall blog.

Every Friday we will bring you a photo from the past...and believe me there are thousands!
Some from years and years ago, some from old Hazel Hall photo shoots that were never published, and maybe even some new shots that just didn't make it into our shop.
This photo was taken after a normal Hazel Hall photo shoot went off the deep end, and Amanda and I suddenly turned into cowboy/banjo/guitar players (don't ask.) In this photo I am wearing the Hazel Hall vintage strawberry fields blouse, and Amanda is wearing my husbands shirt, a cowboy hat and spinning a lasso. Awesome.

Look for sales coming to the shop on Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. We are SO excited !!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why Hello There!

We will be changing things around here at Hazel Hall, in only the best of ways possible, of course!

One of these changes is this here blog where we will share what goes on behind the scenes (which, believe me, you want to see!)

We'll share new merchandise, our thrifting/treasure hunting excursions, and maybe even some photo shoot bloopers?! 

Our missions is to bring you the best vintage possible, while having a ball doing so. 

We hope that shines through !!

xo Hazel Hall